EAC is proud of the work done by EACRF to restore peace and stability in Eastern DRC

During their 22nd Ordinary Meeting held on 22nd July 2022 in Arusha, Tanzania, the Summit of East African Community (EAC) Heads of State directed to expeditiously deploy a joint regional force in Eastern DRC to restore peace and security. 

The troop-contributing Partner States (countries), namely the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda have so far deployed their contingents to Eastern DRC. 

The EACRF(East African Community Regional Force) has made tremendous progress in its efforts to restore peace and stability in Eastern DRC as envisaged by the Summit of EAC Heads of State.

In line with Decisions of the Summit, the EACRF has continued to ensure observance of ceasefire and in addition overseeing the withdrawal of armed groups who have handed over to the EACRF most of the areas that were under their control. 

These areas include Karuba, Mushaki, Kiloriwe, Kitchanga, Mweso, Kishishe, Bambo, Bunagana, Tchengerero, Kiwanja and Kinyandoni. These areas have since been under the control of various EACRF contingents, which will now enable residents to return to their homes and businesses.

The EAC is proud of the work that has so far been accomplished by the EACRF towards restoration of Peace and Security in the Eastern DRC.

The EAC Secretariat therefore appeals to East Africans and the International Community to support the efforts by EACRF to restore peace and stability to Eastern DRC. The EAC is fully committed to ensure restoration of Peace and Security in the Eastern DRC and any other part of the region. (End)