Police arrest Covid-19 patient for defying quarantine order

Aimable Sibomana, 52, and other residents in Rugengabari Sector, Burera District had planned to hold a farmers’ meeting.

As part of the national directives, the farmers were required to first do a Covid-19 test, and Sibomana’s results came positive. Health workers told him to self-isolate to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

Superintendent of Police (SP) Alex Ndayisenga, the Northern Region Political and Civic Education Officer (RPCEO) said that Sibomana instead defied the quarantine order and went to different bars to drink.

Sibomana was arrested later on Thursday Seta Village, Rukandabyuma Cell of Rugengabari Sector where he was found driving, for defying the quarantine and deliberately spreading Covid-19.

“Community health counselors had been informed earlier about Sibomana’s positive results, as usual, to continue monitoring his health situation,” SP Ndayisenga said.

He added: “The counselors were prompted to call the Police and health workers after they found Sibomana in a bar in Seta, drinking. It also emerged that this was the second bar that he had visited to drink after testing positive for Covid-19 and being told to go into isolation.”

All those who were in contact with Sibomana were traced and tested for Covid-19 but their tests came out negative. However, health workers are monitoring them closely and were advised to report in case anyone experiences any signs.

SP Ndayisenga warned that the law punishes any person, who deliberately spreads an illness and cautioned the public against defying government directives meant to curb the spread of the pandemic.

Sibomana was taken to APADEC Kabona Isolation site for quarantine before handing him over to RIB for further legal action.

Article 117 of the law determining offences and penalties in general states; any person, wilfully transmits to another person an illness likely to cause disability, commits an offence.

Upon conviction, he/she is liable to imprisonment for a term of at least two years and not more than three years and a fine of not less than Frw300,000 and not more than Frw500, 000.

In case the illness transmitted is incurable, the penalty is imprisonment of at least 20 years and not more than 25 years and a fine of more than Frw500, 000 and not more than Frw1 million.(End)