President Kagame promotes police officers

President Kagame, Commander-in-Chief of Rwandan Security Organs, has promoted police officers to different ranks. 

The promotions have been announced through a statement released by Rwanda National Police (RNP) where over 4000 Police personnel saw their ranks elevated.

Two notable promotions include Yahya Mugabo Kamunuga and Felly Bahizi Rutagerura who have been elevated from the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) to Commissioner of Police (CP).

Seven police officers have been promoted from the rank of Chief Superintendent of Police(CSP) to Assistant Commissioner of Police. These individuals are Francis Muheto, Augustin Kuradupagase, Tom Gasana, Silas Karekezi, Celestin Kazungu, Augustin Ntaganira, and Jean Pierre Rutajoga.

Among others, 7 officers have been promoted from SSP to CSP, 46 from SP to SSP, 120 from CIP to SP, 329 from IP to CIP, 1 from AIP to CIP and 20 from AIP to IP.   

The statement also indicated the approval of a ministerial order with a significant number of promotions for Non-Commissioned officers and other ranks. Specifically, 1,607 police personnel were promoted from Sergeant to Senior Sergeant, 392 were promoted to Chief Sergeant, 869 from Corporal to Sergeant, 724 from Police Constable to Corporal. (End)