Budget agencies to appear before PAC in public hearings

From 07-27 September 2021, Officials from State Budget Agencies will be appearing before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in public hearings.

During the public hearings, government officials will be providing explanations on various audit queries and the status of implementation of recommendations made by the Auditor General in the Financial year 2019/2020.

Public entities summoned for the public hearings are in the following categories:

•           Budget entities that received adverse audit opinion in financial statements;

•           Budget entities that received adverse audit opinion in compliance audits or value for money;

•           Budget entities that implemented Auditor General’s recommendations below 60%;

•           Budget entities where performance audit reports and IT audit reports were made. 

The public hearings will be carried out through videoconferencing, to comply with the COVID-19 prevention guidelines.

Each year, the PAC scrutinizes the Auditor General’s report and organizes public hearings where Government officials provide explanations on budget execution in their respective institutions.

The Plenary Assembly of the Chamber of Deputies approves and submits PAC’s recommendations to the relevant authorities so as to take measures for proper management of public funds in accordance with the Constitution of Rwanda, public finance management and procurement laws.(End)