Condom self-service machines to be introduced

The project will start with installing the automatic-condom distribution machines in four hotels and bars in Kigali by October, according to health charity Populations Service International (PSI). There will be a machine in both the men and women toilets. The projects will immediately be expanded to all parts of the country.

Amid excitement, PSI announced the new initiative to lawmakers at parliament – coming after a study by the same organization said last year that the battle against the spread of HIV/Aids was under threat because people shy from buying condoms. Condom-use was found to be at 37 % among boys and 26% for girls.

Parliamentary deputy speaker Dr. Ntawukuriryayo Damascene said government wants the figure up to 70 percent for both sexes.

However, the self-service machines will be distributing a specially-produced brand of condoms ‘Plaisir’ (Pleasure) – which is actually a new name on the market. A recent government commissioned study found that a majority of people who buy condoms prefer the ‘Prudence’ brand which has been here for years. When clients were told by the seller that there was no ‘Prudence’, they did not buy any other brand.

The person seeking the condom will be required to insert three hundred-franc coins and will in return receive three ‘Plaisir’ condoms.

Costing about $500 each, the machines will be installed in private places as a way of removing the stigma associated with handling a condom in full view of other people, according to Mr. Marara Igor, PSI senior programme Manager.

Rwanda imports about 14 million condoms annually – which is far below the needs.