Police and hospitality operators discuss measures to fight drunk driving

Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of fatal road accidents, and the hospitality industry plays a key role in fighting intoxicated driving.

In a meeting between Rwanda National Police (RNP) and over 100 hospitality operators, it took stock of the current status of road carnage largely caused by impaired motorists.

“Members of the hospitality sector are police’s key partners in preventing road accidents especially those related to drunkenness, to jointly be part of the solution,” Commissioner of Police (CP) John Bosco Kabera, the RNP spokesperson, said during the meeting held at the General Headquarters in Kacyiru.

At least 3094 road accidents were recorded across the country between April and July this year. About 40 percent of these accidents occured at night, with the majority resulting from drunk and reckless drinking.

Road accidents remain among the top 10 causes of death in Rwanda.

The meeting discussed key preventive measures such as spreading Gerayo Amahoro messages in hospitality facilities with emphasis on drunk driving; proactively preventing intoxicated clients from driving; offering alternative means of transportation as well as reporting drunk drivers to save lives.

Sarah Kirenga, the vice chairperson of Rwanda Hospitality Association (RHA) said that ensuring the safety of their clients is also good for business.

“We meet a lot of people who come to us including drivers, and it is in our interest to convey the message of Gerayo Amahoro to them so that the customers we receive arrive safely and come back,” Kirenga said.

Frank Mugisha, the Director General of Rwanda Chamber of Tourism, said that they are going to engage more in the campaign of Gerayo Amahoro, including helping customers to know the requirements and restrictions when driving to avoid accidents. (End).