President Kagame commissioned 568 Officer Cadets

Today President Kagame, who is also the Commander-In-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force, commissioned 568 Officer Cadets at the Rwanda Military Academy – Gako.  

Among them 475 were trained for one year while 93 are graduating after four years of both academic and military training.

The 568 Cadet Officers were joined by 24 young Rwandans who underwent their military training in partner countries. Together, they took their Commissioning Oath pledging allegiance to Rwanda and its leadership. 

The Officer Cadets who now hold the rank of 2nd Lieutenant join RDF to contribute to protecting the national sovereignty.

Founded in 2000, the Rwanda Military Academy (RMA) has upheld high standards of academic and military training matching global context to cope with contemporary security challenges and threats

In collaboration with the University of Rwanda, in 2015, the RMA introduced Long Officer Cadets Basic Training covering both Academic and Professional Military training.

The Academy offers seven programs including General Medecine, Engineering, Social and Military Science, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. (End)