Deputies hold training on functioning of the Chamber of Deputies

From this 9 to 12 November 2020, Deputies are being trained to better fulfil their mandates of legislation and oversight of the Government action.

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Mukabalisa Donatille told the MPs that the training is an opportunity to interact on the functioning of the Chamber of Deputies.

She added that the world is facing new challenges. Therefore, MPs are required to discharge their mandate in a way that improves people’s life.

As mentioned by His Excellency President of the Republic of Rwanda, when he inaugurated our term of office. He articulated the responsibilities of the parliament and the need for increased efforts to meet the expectations of the people.” The Speaker reminded.

The training of MPs focuses on changes in the functioning of the Chamber of Deputies in terms of legislation and oversight on the Government. The training will also focus on the role of the MP in the examination and analytical review of bills and the way parliament communicates with the public. (End)