30 British MPs Advocate for Morocco’s autonomy initiative for the Sahara

In a letter to Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron, 30 British MPs urge the government to support Morocco’s autonomy initiative for the Sahara, emphasizing the economic potential and stability it would bring to the region.

They stress the importance of British financial support and highlight the legality of the trade agreement with Morocco covering the Sahara. This initiative aligns with the UK’s international commitments and does not compromise its position on overseas territories. Widely supported, it is considered the most pragmatic path to peace. The MPs call for unequivocal UK support for Morocco.

Supporting Morocco’s autonomy plan is consistent with the UK’s international principles and commitments, would not compromise the UK’s position in British Overseas Territories, and can contribute to peace in the region.

Furthermore, this proposal enjoys broad support from the UK and over 80 countries worldwide.