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Les dirigeants africains dévoilent un programme de transformation audacieux, soutenu par une puissante nouvelle coalition

Dans un élan historique de volonté commune, 19 chefs d’État africains se sont réunis à l’occasion d’un...

African Leaders unveil bold transformation agenda at Summit, backed by powerful new coalition

ICPAC receives funding through the UN WFP to enhance disaster preparedness in Eastern Africa

Commonwealth Public Service Heads call for greater investment in smart technologies to enhance public service delivery

Rwanda Foreign Minister Biruta in Malta for a visit

Kenya Airways suspends flights to Kinshasa over detention of staff

Minister of Agriculture Musafiri received USAID Rwanda Mission Director

Le cardinal Ambongo poursuivi par la justice après ses propos sur le soutien de la RDC aux FDLR

Rwanda’s Finance Minister attends IDA21 Summit in Nairobi

Kenya Airways protests arrest of two employees by DRC military intelligence

Motorists urged to be extra-vigilant during this rainy season

President Kagame holds meeting with Malaysia’s Premier Anwar

President Kagame met with IMF chief in Saudi Arabia

Douze institutions de l’Etat devront annuler des marchés de 6,92 milliards Frw

President Kagame in Saudi Arabia for World Economic Forum special meeting

Rwanda Military Hospital undertook nationwide efforts to treat cataracts

Rwanda, Central African Republic law enforcement officers complete joint special forces course

BAL announces ticket sales for fourth consecutive playoffs and finals in Kigali

Virunga Lodge celebrates its 20th anniversary

Journée Mondiale de Lutte contre la Malaria : Un plus grand engagement pour éradiquer le paludisme